Bassia scoparia | Amaranthaceae
Herb, Ornamental, Plant in pot
Quantity: 28
Admin block compound+Outside the Admin block
Moss rose
Portulaca grandiflora | Portulacaceae
Herb, Ornamental, Plant in pot
Quantity: 31
Admin block compound
Weeping fig
Ficus benjamina | Moraceae
Tree, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 6
Commerce block
Amaltas, Golden shower tree
Cassia fistula | Fabaceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 1
Commerce block
Christmas tree
Araucaria | Araucariaceae
Herb, Ornamental, Plant in pot
Quantity: 5
Outside the admin block
Cast iron plant
Aspidistra elatior | Asparagaceae
Tree, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 22
inside and out side the admin block, Admin block c…
Dumb cane
Dieffenbachia | Araceae
Herb, Ornamental, Plant in pot
Quantity: 5
Outside the admin block
Ak plant
Calotropis procera | Apocynaceae
Shurb, in pot
Quantity: 1
Outside the admin block
Big-sage,tick berry
Lantana camara | verbenaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 8
Admin block compound
indoor palm tree
Areca | arecaceae
Tree, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 16
Outside and compound of admin block
Christ thorn
Euphorbia milii | Euphorbiaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 1
Admin block compound
Dragon tree
Dracaena | Asparagaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 8
Admin block compound
Aloe vera
Aloe vera | Asphodeloideae
Herb, Ornamental, Medicinal, in pot
Quantity: 1
Admin block compound
Goos foot, Arrowhead vine
Syngonium podophylum | Araceae
Herb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 2
Admin block compound
Milk wort, Myrtle-leaf
Polygala myrtifolia | Polygalaceae
Shrub, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 6
Outside and compound of admin block
Cabbage palm, Palm lily
Cordyline fruticosa | Asparagaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 8
Outside and compound of admin block
Fan palm tree
Trachycarpus | Arecaceae
Evergreen, Ornamental, Tree, in pot
Quantity: 13
Outside the admin block
Oleander plant
Nerium oleander | Apocynaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 3
Outside the admin block
Golden dewdrop, Hedge plant
Duranta erecta | Verbenaceae
Shurb or small tree, Permanent, Ornamental
Quantity: 1
Basket ball ground
Show flower
Hibiscus | Malvaceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 2
Basket ball ground
Rosa indica | Rosaceae
Shurb, Ornamental
Quantity: 1
Basket ball ground
Mango tree
Mangifera indica | Anacardiaceae
Quantity: 1
Basket ball ground
Psidium guajava | Myrtaideae
Quantity: 2
Basket ball ground
Jack fruit, Kathal
Artocarpus heterophyllus | Moraceae
Tree, Evergreen, permanent
Quantity: 1
Basket ball ground
Emblica, indian goose-Berry, Aamla
Phyllanthus emblica | Phyllanthaceae
Ornamental, Permanenet, tree
Quantity: 3
Basket ball ground
Beach spider lily
Hymenocallis, littoralis | Amaryllidaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 1
Outside the admin block
Common lilac, Bidung bail
Syringa vulgaris | Oleaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 1
Outside the admin block
Butcher’s broom
Ruscus aculeatus | Asparagaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 2
Outside the admin block
Ponytail palm, Surahi palm
Beaucarnea recurvata | Asparagaceae
Small tree, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 1
Outside the admin block
Nerium oleander | Apocynaceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 1
Basket ball ground
Asoka tree
Saraca indica | Leguminosae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 21
Hocky Ground
Milkwood pine
Alstonia scholaris | Apocynaceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 28
Hocky Ground
Mango tree
Mangifera indica | Anacardiaceae
Tree, Permanent
Quantity: 2
Hocky Ground
Amaltas, Golden shower tree
Cassia fistula | Fabaceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 3
Hocky Ground
Weeping fig
Ficus benjamina | Moraceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 10
Hocky Ground
Graveyard flower
Plumeria obtusa | Apocynaceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 1
Hocky Ground
Mour pankhi
Thuja occidentalis | Cupressaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 8
Principal office Garden
Bassia scoparia | Amaranthaceae
Herb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 19
Principal office Garden
Tulsi, Holy basil
Ocimum sanctum | Lamiaceae
Shurb, Ornamenta, Permanent
Quantity: 1
Principal office Garden
Moss rose
Portulaca grandiflora | Portulacaceae
Herb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 7
Principal office Garden
Pencil pine
Cupressus sempervirens | Cupressaceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 2
Principal office Garden
Christmas tree
Araucaria | Araucariaceae
Tree, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 5
Principal office Garden
Cast iron plant
Aspidistra elatior | Asparagaceae
Herb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 4
Principal office Garden
Dumb cane
Dieffenbachia | Araceae
Herb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 5
Principal office Garden
Dahlia | Asteraceae
Herb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 1
Principal office Garden
Chrysanthemum | Asteraceae
Herb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 1
Principal office Garden
Rosa indica | Rosaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 1
Principal office Garden
Hedge plant
Duranta erecta | Verbenaceae
Shurb, Ornamental, Permanent
Quantity: 1
Principal office Garden
Chinese brake
Pteris | Pteridaceae
Herb, Ornamental, in pot
Quantity: 1
Principal office Garden