Arya College has established a unique identity with its distinctive history and culture. It aims at fostering an environment which is conducive to intellectual, ethical and civic development of students. This demands a partnership between the institution, staff and students. We expect our employees and students to behave well within and beyond the college gates. It is with this intention that we have devised a Handbook on Code of conduct.
This page indicates the standard rules, practices and procedures of Arya College with respect to Principal, staff and students. It is incumbent for them to abide by code of conduct which shall serve as a guiding compass for them. They are requested to be well conversant with this code which can also be viewed on official website of the college.
Code of Conduct for Governing Body
[dt_vc_list dividers=”false”]- Provide effective academic and administrative leadership to the institution.
- Decentralization and participative management in institutional practices.
- Fulfill their lawful duties and obligations to government with integrity and loyalty.
- Ensure welfare of staff and students.
- Strictly follow strategy of mobilization and optimal use of funds.
- Respect the rights of staff and students.
- Take responsible action to protect the students and staff from conditions detrimental to health and safety.
- Maintain financial transparency and delivery.
- Make utmost efforts to develop the institution in a versatile manner.
- Keep the interest of institution above personal.
- Take responsible action to maintain educational ambience.
Code of Conduct for Principal
[dt_vc_list dividers=”false”]- Be fair to personnel and students.
- Assume responsibility and accountability for his/her performance.
- Maintain good moral character.
- Not fake records or direct others to do so.
- Not knowingly misappropriate, divert or use money, property or equipment committed to his charge for personal advantage.
- Not reveal confidential information unless required by law.
- Make concerted efforts to communicate to parents all information which should be revealed in interest of students.
Code of Conduct for Teachers
[dt_vc_list dividers=”false”]- Every teacher shall discharge his/her duty efficiently and diligently to match with academic standards and performance norms laid by college management.
- Every teacher shall update his/ her knowledge and skills to equip himself/ herself professionally for proper discharge of duties assigned to her/him.
- Teachers must report on duty on time as per working hours prescribed.
- Teachers should exercise integrity in their professional conduct and responsibility.
- Acknowledge and respect the uniqueness, individuality and specific needs of pupils and promote their holistic development.
- Avoid conflict between their professional work and private interest which could reasonably be deemed to impact negatively on students.
- Do nothing in your private or public pursuits which will bring you professional disrepute.
- Open confrontation of whatever nature must be avoided.
- Keep all records accurate and up to date.
- Treat your colleagues with courtesy and professional equals regardless of their status.
- Demonstrate patriotism and appreciation of freedom with responsibility.
- Deal justly with each student and work towards developing good human relations.
- Every teacher shall conduct himself/herself with dignity and decorum in his/her dealings with superiors, colleagues and students.
- No teacher shall absent himself/herself from duty at any time without permission of higher ups.
- No teacher shall accept any honorary or other assignment given to him/ her by any external agency without prior permission of college management.
- No teacher shall associate with any political party or take part in any organizational activity which is not in line with ethics of teaching profession.
- No teacher shall act in any manner that violates the norms of decency or morality.
- No teacher shall incite or provoke any student or staff member, into any form of action which disrupts academics activities of college.
- Teachers should attend the college properly dressed.
- Teachers are barred from using cell phones while taking classes.
- Do not encourage undue familiarity with students.
- Do not smoke, drink or eat during teaching sessions.
- Do nothing by percept likely to corrupt students.
- Respect the confidentiality of information about a student unless required by law.
- Do not discriminate on grounds of race, religion, gender, color or creed.
- Participate in community service.
- Present facts without distortion bias or personal prejudice.
- Do not use institutional or professional privileges for personal advantage.
- Teachers should not collect any money from students except when specifically authorized for any fund raising programme.
- Strive for consistency and firmness in disciplinary dealings with students.
Code of Conduct for Support Staff
[dt_vc_list dividers=”false”]- Loyalty to college by being punctual and reliable in all duties.
- Maintain integrity by being honest in words and action.
- Treat students with care and kindness.
- Be supportive and cooperate with staff members.
- Refrain from passing any information pertaining to college to any individual or agency.
- Wear uniform provided by management.
- Exercise self discipline and restrain at all times and deal politely with staff, students and general public.
- Must not remain absent from duty without official approval.
- Avoid unethical practices and not to do anything that will tarnish the image of college.
- Notify to the principal immediately if there is reasonable cause to suspect that student is likely to be harmed.
- Practice alcohol and drug free lifestyle.
- Non teaching staff working in laboratory and library should maintain stock register.
Code of Conduct for Students
[dt_vc_list dividers=”false”]- Dress up in a manner that is appropriate for academic environment.
- Interact with all members of college community with politeness and courtesy.
- Respect differences in relation to gender, race, nationality, disability and religion.
- Be ambassadors of college in local area, extend respect to all members of local community.
- User facilities like books, equipments and resources provided to assist you in a careful and responsible manner.
- Alert the college security staff if you are aware of any potential risk to yourself or others.
- Carry your College ID at all times when on campus.
- Switch off your mobile phone in class.
- Don’t bring outsiders inside the college campus. If you are aware of any unauthorized visitors you must report this to members of staff.
- Avoid disposing litter inappropriately in college campus.
- Don’t be in possession of any bladed article or offensive weapon or firearms.
- Don’t be in possession of drugs, alcoholic beverages or intoxicants.
- Gambling and smoking is prohibited inside college campus.
- Don’t engage in any violent or threatening behavior. Avoid intimidation, verbal slurs, insults or taunts, ridicule which may disrupt educational environment.
- Don’t behave in such a manner within or outside the college that may bring disrepute to college.
- Maintain academic integrity by not cheating or using unfair means during exams.
- Don’t steal or knowingly posses stolen property.
- Fire crackers and explosives are prohibited on campus.
- Conduct which infringes upon freedom or activities of others constitutes disorderly behavior.
- Participation in on campus and off campus riots, demonstrations or activities which significantly disrupt the normal operations of college is prohibited.
- Ragging is strictly prohibited.
- The college prohibits all forms of sexual harassment, sexual assault indecent exposure, stalking or any other gender based conduct.
- The students should not degrade, corrupt or damage college computer equipments.
- Parking of vehicles in no parking zones or in area earmarked for other persons is not allowed.
- Students are expected not to interact on behalf of institute with media representatives or invite media persons on campus without permission of authorities.
- The students must maintain satisfactory standard of academic performance. They must be committed to studies, attend classes regularly, participate actively and constructively in all the classrooms activities and complete all tasks allocated to them.
The management appeals to all the concerned to work as a team in institution building and upgrading it into one of excellence in higher learning. Any breach of code or associated policies will attract disciplinary action.